10 Tips for Guests New to Airbnb
New Airbnb Guest Guide
Are you new guest to Airbnb? If so, it’s important to learn some of the explicit and implicit etiquette that you should follow. Check out these 10 tips from Airbnb hosts to new Airbnb guests! The tips and advice included in this list come directly from seasoned hosts.
Airbnb is a great platform for travelling but if your new to it you might not know how to act, what to do, and how to get the most out of your stay. The best and most suggested tip from hosts is for guests to read the house rules and message them if you have any questions. Kepp this in mind when you start your search for properties. The house rules and property description are both important resources that will keep you informed and enjoying your stay.
Tip 1: Fully Verify Your Account
As a new Airbnb guest you won’t have any reviews which will restrict your ability to book properties. In order to build up credibility and trust, make sure to verify your account as much as possible and create an amazing written description about yourself.
Tip 2: Read Reviews
Reviews are everything on Airbnb! Don’t rely solely on price and photos because you’re bound to get burned. Read the reviews to get a great sense of the host and property. If you want a guaranteed great stay, choose a Super-Host.
Tip 3: Read the Content and House Rules
Many new Airbnb guests don’t read the content of the listing, but should. Hosts spend a lot of time perfecting the description to provide an accurate picture of their property but more importantly their rules. Be respectful of the host rules and the host will love you! Reading the house rules is the number one tip other hosts want new guests to know.
Tip 4: Don’t Try and Go Off Platform
Sometimes guests try and provide phone numbers and emails in their inquiry messages in order to pay for the reservation off the Airbnb platform. This is a bad idea. Airbnb has protections for both parties and is a great way to safely travel. Furthermore, it won’t work. Airbnb blocks emails and phone numbers from being shared and may restrict your account if you get caught.
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Tip 5: An Airbnb is Not a Hotel
If your travel experience has been mostly in hotels you may have an inaccurate picture of what to expect. Airbnbs are people’s homes, so don’t be surprised to see personal items in the unit. You won’t be getting room service, daily housekeeping, or a front desk. However you will be getting an amazing property with amenities you wouldn’t find in a hotel such as stocked kitchens.
Tip 6: Tell The Host About Your Trip
Hosts love to hear why you’re visiting! It’s expected at this point that you fill hosts in on your stay, why you’re visiting, and with whom. When you make an inquiry on a property, tell the host about yourself and the reason for visiting. This helps hosts determine if you will be a great visitor to their property. This should go without saying but “don’t lie.”
Tip 7: Keep Communication on the App
Use the Airbnb messaging app to do all your communication. This keeps a record of what has been said which helps both hosts and guests especially when issues arise. If you need to talk to the host for something that can’t be handled on the app give them a call but only do this when it’s absolutely necessary. Also, this should go without saying, but avoid messaging the host in the middle of the night.
Tip 8: Be Respectful and Clean
Airbnbs are people’s homes so please respect it. Enjoy your stay but respect the property and its contents. If you damage something let the host know rather than hide it in hopes they don’t find out. Hosts expect a level of wear and tear and will likely shrug off a broken plate. Finally, a quick tidy up when you leave is always appreciated.
Tip 9: Enjoy Yourself and Live Like a Local
You’re on vacation so enjoy the amazing property that you booked and all the amazing local spots. Most hosts have a guidebook about the local attractions attached to their account so take a look. If you want further recommendations ask the host! Your host loves to share local tips about their community, at least they should!
Tip 10: If You Had a Great Time Let The Host Know
Don’t forget to give a review after your stay! Airbnb hosts love to get great feedback and hear that you had a great time. If you had a great time, with no issues, give them a 5 star! If you want to provide some suggestions, consider using the private feedback section rather than the public review. Finally be fair, keep the review based on things the host has control of such as communication, cleanliness, and providing a great property. Don’t complain about bad weather or how a garbage truck woke you up in the morning.